XVIII Latin American Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect

XVIII Latin American Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect

online Universidade Nacional Maior de São Marcos - Lima - Lima - Perú | Perú - Piruw
presencial Con streaming online

El evento ya ha finalizado


About the event

Since its discovery in 1958, the Mössbauer effect, recoilless nuclear resonance fluorescence of gamma rays, has become a powerful tool in solid-state physics and materials sciences research. Mössbauer spectroscopy based on this nuclear resonance effect is a high-resolution technique used for local characterization of materials with applications to a variety of fields. Up to now, more than 60,000 papers were published worldwide using the Mössbauer technique. Since 1960, many conferences, meetings, workshops, seminars, and symposia on fundamental - as well as industrial - applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy have been held worldwide.

Latin American Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (LACAME) is a series of scientific meetings held every two years in a Latin American country. By initiative of the Mössbauer community in Brazil, the first LACAME was held in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, 1988). After Brazil, others countries that have successfully organized the LACAME were: Cuba (Havana, 1990), Argentina (Buenos Aires, 1992), Chile (Santiago, 1994), Peru (Cusco, 1996), Colombia (Cartagena de Indias, 1998), Venezuela (Caracas, 2000), Panama (Panama City, 2002), Mexico (Mexico City, 2004), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, 2006), Argentina (La Plata, 2008), Peru (Lima, 2010), Colombia (Medellin, 2012), Mexico (Toluca, 2014), Panama (Panama City, 2016), Chile (Santiago, 2018) and Brazil (Vitória, 2022). LACAME’20 was cancelled due to the Covid19 pandemic. Since the first conference, the biennial LACAME have aimed to promote knowledge and scientific exchange between research groups and science relevant to the needs of Latin American countries.

Despite the limitations, the biennial LACAME have allowed the integration of this Latin American scientific community. However, we look forward to further strengthening these relationships through future new collaborations.

The XVIII Latin American Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, LACAME 2024, will be hosted by the Physics Sciences Faculty of the Major National University of San Marcos at Lima, Peru, from October 14 to 18, 2024.

You are invited to participate in LACAME 2024.

About San Marcos National University

San Marcos University of Lima, founded by Royal Decree on May 13, 1551, stands as the first institution of its kind in the Americas, serving as a beacon of knowledge until Peru's independence in 1821. Since the onset of its republican era, it has held the esteemed title of the Major National University of San Marcos, cultivating distinguished figures in the realms of arts, culture, and science.

In the contemporary landscape, San Marcos remains a bastion of academia in the Americas, shaping intellectuals, scientists, and professionals across various disciplines, including mathematics, as well as serving as the alma mater of notable figures such as Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, a contender for the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1943. In the humanities, it boasts Mario Vargas Llosa, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2010, who graduated from the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, the university's oldest and foremost faculty on the continent. San Marcos University of Lima continues to uphold its legacy as a revered institution, both in the Americas and globally.

For more information click on the link of the university.

Invited Speakers


Scientific Program

Hybrid sessions: in-person mode (IN), online mode (ON)




List of Invited Talks



Alvaro Andrés Velásquez Torres

Universidad EAFIT sede Medellín

Synthesis, characterization, and of evaluation of the biocompatibility of magnetite- maghemite nano composites in alive systems: cases of cancerous cells and yellow corn seeds

Carmen Pizarro Arraigada

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

The 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy as a strategic local tool to assess the physical and chemical structures of iron-bearing minerals of volcanic soils

Claudia Elena Rodríguez Torres

Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Unveiling Hyperfine Parameters in Ferrites: Insights from Ab Initio Calculations

Cynthia Contreras

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas 

Study on the effect of Fe and Sb doping in the magnetic frustration of Sr2Cu

Dalber Sánchez Candela

Universidad Federal Fluminense

Mössbauer spectroscopy study of spin states and magnetic interactions in oxi-borates

Edson Passamani Caetano

Universidad Federal de Espirito Santo

Magnetic iron-based nanoadsorbents for boron and phosphorus remediation

Fred Jochen Litterst

Technische Universität Braunschweig

Probing spin and charge dynamics by transferred hyperfine fields at 119Sn and MuSR

Gustavo A. Pasquevich

Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Spatially resolved 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy in situ studies of iron catalyst evolution in the Fischer Tropsch synthesis process.

Jean-Marc Greneche

University Le Mans - CNRS

On the study of artificial and natural magnetic materials and nanomaterials by Mössbauer spectrometry

Jorge Aurelio Bravo Cabrejos

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

The Applications of the Mossbauer Effect in Perú. A Historical Outlook

Juan A. Jaen

Universidad de Panamá

X-ray, Raman, Mössbauer, and Magnetic studies on Iron Oxides

Juan Adrian Ramos Guivar

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Surface Adsorption Mechanism between Lead(II,IV) and Nanomaghemite Studied on Polluted Water Samples Collected from the Peruvian Rivers Mantaro and Cumbaza

Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Removing As(III) fromfreshwater using magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic filtration

Ligia Edith Zamora Alfonso

Universidad del Valle

Magnetocaloric effect and hyperfine properties of  LaFe11.57Si1.43 and LaFe11.57Si1.43H compounds

Vitaly Bilovol

AGH University

Influence of non-magnetic elements on hyperfine parameters of high entropy spinel oxides

List of Oral Contributions




OC 01 


Dagoberto Oyola Lozano

Effect of heat treatment on the structural and magnetic properties of the system Fe50Al50 prepared by mechanical alloying

OC 02
Valberto Pedruzzi Nascimento
Effect of quenching on martensitic phase transition: a Mössbauer study
OC 03
Nilson Ferreira
The effects of Mg-substitution on the magnetic and structural properties of SrFe12O19 nanoparticles

OC 04 


Julio Fabián Salvador

Archaeometric contribution on a probable funeral pyre structure in Medellin

OC 05T05
Aderbal Carlos de Oliveira
Heavy metal microscopic observations and Mössbauer spectroscopy in a Pedogeophysical environment Anápolis-Go, Brazil

OC 06 


María Ceron Loayza

57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy: characterization of the Tacna 001 Peruvian meteoritic

OC 07 


Jorge Luis Garcia Dulanto

Mössbauer spectroscopic characterization of rocks exposed by tropical glacier retreat and its impact on lake acidity: a case study of the neutral Palcacocha and Acidic Shallap Lakes, Cordillera Blanca, Huaraz, Peru.

OC 08 


Javier Alejandro Márquez Meza

Characterization of quinoa plantation soils in a Peruvian District for environmental sustainability

OC 09
César Barrero Meneses
Effect of antimalarials on the β-hematin formation elucidated by Mössbauer spectroscopy

OC 10


Ruby Rocio Rodriguez

Milling time effect on the magnetic and structural properties Fe10Mn10Al5Ni75 alloy

OC 11 


Agustin Cabral Prieto

Reliable estimation of the specific absorption rate in magnetic hyperthermia measurements using the modified Box-Lucas function

OC 12


César Barrero Meneses

Structural, Morphological and Magnetic Properties of MFe2O4 (M=Mg, Zn and Ni) Synthesized by Solid State Reaction

OC 13
Karen Edilma García Tellez
Adsorption of Pb, Sb, Hg, and As ions in water using akaganeite

OC 14


Seshu Bai Vummethala

Unprecedented Correlation of Isomer shift of Fe and Gd compounds of MgCu2 type strcucture to partial charges on atoms deduced from internal radii of atoms on alloying

OC 15


Maigualida Calderón Jiménez

Assessing Weathering Effects in Atacama Desert Meteorites: A Study Using Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Complementary Techniques

OC 16


Aleksandr Kamzin

Mössbauer studies of nanocomposites for various applications

Poster Contribution




PP 01


Claudia Elena Rodríguez Torres

Microwave-Assited Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Magnetic Domain Characterization through Mössbauer Spectroscopy.

PP 02


Dagoberto Oyola Lozano

A Magnetic and Mossbauer spectral study of Tb0.257-xNdxFe0.743 alloys, with x=0.128, 0.257

PP 03


Humberto Bustos Rodríguez

Mössbauer and structural study of alloys FeNi3 obtained by mechanical alloying

PP 04


José Julián Medina Medina

Structural and magnetic properties of Heusler-type Co2FeSi(1-x)Alx (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) alloys

PP 05


Omar Felipe Quintana Ramirez

Study of the structural and magnetic properties of the Nd-doped Fe3Sn system

PP 06


Ronald David Rocha Cabrera

study by spectroscopy Môssbauer X-ray diffraction and Functional Density Theory of the  composition Fe50Al50  synthesized by arc furnace

PP 07


Alejandro L. Trujillo Quinde

Exploratory study of the phase transitions induced on steel 1045  by the thermal treatments of quenching and tempering in water

PP 08


Silvia Marisel Espinoza Suarez

Characterization and Mössbauer spectroscopy of solid state recycled A36 steel fabricated by powder metallurgy

PP 09


Vitaliy Bilovol

DFT study of (Sb, Sn) co-doped Te-Ge material for thermoelectric applications.

PP 10


Álvaro Andrés Velásquez Torres

Study of the dynamic properties of composites of magnetite-maghemite functionalized with cuaternized chitosan in biological and medical fluids using digital holographic microscopy

PP 11


Jenny Aleida Montoya Burga

Advances in the mineralogical characterization of the soils near the la Florcita mine, Sanchez Carrion province-La Libertad region

PP 12


Jenny Aleida Montoya Burga

Application of analytical and complementary techniques to the study of the properties of the soils of the bosque de Pomac-Lambayeque historical sanctuary, Peru

PP 13


Mabel Tesillo Quispe

Clay fraction mineralogy in soils of potato (solanum tuberosum l.) Crops from Jayllihuaya, Puno: a study by energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence, X-Ray diffraction, and Mössbauer spectroscopy

PP 14


María Ceron Loayza

Applications of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy to the study of Serra Pelada Meteorite from Asteroide 4-Vesta

PP 15


Miguel Angel Castillo Corzo

Characterization of soils from Paramonga, a city in Peru devoted to sugar cane crop

PP 16


Renato Arturo Valencia Bedregal

Characterization of natural goethite – kaolinite - montmorillonite clay from Kunturwasi, Cajamarca, Peru

PP 17


Alejandro L. Trujillo Quinde

Advances in the characterization of clay archaeological objecets from the ceremonial center of Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuaman, Ayacucho, Peru, by Mössbauer spectroscopy

PP 18


Alejandro L. Trujillo Quinde

Characterization of archaeological pigments from the Menocucho archaeological monument, Peru, by Mössbauer spectroscopy and complementary physical techniques

PP 19


Julio Fabián Salvador

Archaeometric interpretation of ceramic materials from the archaeological site of Pacopampa (Cajamarca, Peru)

PP 20


Claudio Tomas Salvador Arguedas Briceño

Characterization of Ag-Fe3O4@PEG nanocomposite using a agnps obtained by green synthesis method

PP 21


Stefano Manuel Huaman Muñoz

Mössbauer characterization of pure and Ni-doped nanomagnetites synthesized by chemical coprecipitation

Read or download the Abstract Book on: 


We have created a folder for you to view photos of the event, we will be happy if you would like to share others with us!


  • Early event registration: September 5, 2024.
  • Abstract submission: September 5, 2024.
  • Confirmation of acceptance: September 12, 2024.
  • (Tentative) Manuscript Submission deadline: December 20, 2024.

Welcome Registration

Join us to connect, share and celebrate the start of LACAME 2024
Day: Sunday, October 13th, 2024
Hour: 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Address: Street Gral. Francisco Valle Riestra 591, San Isidro (maps)

Conference Dinner

Join us for a warm farewell and closing ceremony of LACAME 2024.
Day: Thursday, October 13th, 2024. Hour: 8:00 pm. Address: Jr.Zepita 207, Chorrillos (mapsLIMITED CAPACITY


If you have any questions, please write to us at the following e-mail address: lacame.lima2024@gmail.com We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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No Disponible

Certificates / Registration fees and payment methods


The registration fees are different for onsite and online participants.

All the presenting authors (oral or poster contributions) must pay the registration fee.

The difference caused by bank service and exchange rate is NOT included.

The fees for each type of registration are given in the next table:

Registration feesEarly Registration
(before September 5, 2024)
Late Registration
September 5, 2024)
Scientific participantsUS$ 200.00US$ 250.00
Retired researchers or studentsUS$ 100.00US$ 125.00
Accompaying personUS$ 50.00US$ 75.00
Online participant (virtual participation)US$ 100.00US$ 125.00

Account details:

Beneficiary name : Sociedad Peruana de Física

Bank name: BBVA Perú.

Account number:  0011-0142-70-0100046035


Bank Address: Av. República de Panamá 3055, Piso 1, San Isidro, Lima, Perú

Concept: LACAME-2024

 You have the option to pay the entire fee in US dollars or Peruvian soles, and payment instructions can be found by clicking the link.


The conference proceedings will be published in the journal Interactions, former Hyperfine Interactions, published by Springer Nature. Invited talks as well as oral and poster presentations can be included in the conference proceedings. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed according to standard international procedures before being accepted for publication in the conference proceedings.


The procedure for submitting manuscripts is the same as for other conference proceedings published in Interactions. It is important to notice that there is no a priori page limit. Authors are free to use as many pages as necessary. Referees might object to manuscripts which are unnecessarily long. Submissions take place via an online submission system. Papers have to be submitted via the Interactions website by clicking the button “submit manuscript”. Under the “Details” tab the authors should choose the name of the conference/collection from the drop-down list. For quick publication it is preferable for the manuscript to be submitted electronically the first day of the conference. The formal deadline is usually about one month after the conference.

Tentative submission deadline for manuscripts: October 25, 2024.

Open Access

With the consent of Springer Nature, publisher of (Hyperfine) Interactions, the final accepted version of all peer reviewed and accepted conference manuscripts will be available respectively on the website of the Mössbauer Effect Data Center together with all the manuscripts of recent Mössbauer conferences, and on the website of CERN together with all the manuscripts of recent Hyperfine Interactions conferences. All the conference manuscripts can be downloaded from these websites free of charge. Please notice that this free open access offered to the conference participants and their community is different from the open access offered to the authors, against payment, by Springer Nature upon publication of their manuscript.

About the (Hyperfine) Interactions journal

Hyperfine Interactions was created in 1975 as a scientific journal with a strict peer review procedure, with the main purpose to publish conference proceedings in the border region between nuclear physics, atomic physics, and solid-state physics. The present publisher is Springer Nature. Articles published in (Hyperfine) Interactions are listed and fully indexed by search and indexing databases such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus. In 2008 Web of Science split their journals database into two: the traditional journals part and a new proceedings part, and they moved all journals they decided to be proceedings journals, including (Hyperfine) Interactions, into that new database. Since then, Web of Science only publishes impact indices for journals in their journals database, not for journals in their proceedings database. However, citations to articles in (Hyperfine) Interactions are still measured and included as they had been before, and journal metrics values for (Hyperfine) Interactions can be found at the websites of different ranking agencies.

(Courtesy of Guido Langouche, Editor in Chief)


Plazo para envío de trabajos

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Área temática
Ver todas





  • Ángel G. Bustamante Domínguez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
  • Víctor A. Peña Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Biomédicas y Medioambientales, Peru

Local Organizing Committee

  • Víctor A. Peña Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Biomédicas y Medioambientales, Peru
  • Carlos V. Landauro, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos,  Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Biomédicas y Medioambientales, Peru
  • Justiniano Quispe Marcatoma, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos,  Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Biomédicas y Medioambientales, Peru
  • María Luisa Cerón Loayza, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
  • Julio Fabián Salvador, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru

Latin American Committee

  • Elisa Baggio-Saitovitch, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Brazil
  • Roberto C. Mercader, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Ligia E. Zamora Alfonso, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
  • Juan Antonio Jaén, Universidad de Panamá, Panamá
  • Norma Furet, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas, Cuba
  • Víctor A. Peña Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
  • Carmen Pizarro Arraigada, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
  • Edson Passamani Caetano, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
  • César A. Barrero Meneses, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Agustín Cabral Prieto, Instituto de Investigaciones Nucleares, Mexico
  • Claudio Rodríguez Torres, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Hotels information

We have prepared a list of hotels and accommodations for you to have a pleasant and safe stay. 

The most outstanding are:



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